What is "Query Refinement" Technology....
This technology allows you to make a single query (for example "bikes") and then by clicking on one of the 14 refinements, your results will be associated with the refinement+your query.  If you clicked on the History refinement,  you'll get results about the "History of bikes", if you click on the Images refinement, you'll get sites that have "bike images" and so on.  We've tried to make the refinements such that most of them can be applied to just about any query.  Here's a list of the keywords added to each query when a refinement is applied.

Refinement Lable: Keywords added to the query:
Science science, scientific, scientist, "science news", simulation, "science fair"
History history, timeline, historical, "natural history", "chronological order", era
Geography geography, maps, atlas, geographical, demographics, map, topographic
Read (disabled) books, magazines, book, paperback, essay, essays, articles, stories
Technology technology, engineering, technological, tech, hitech, "technology news"
Research research, analysis, analyze, researchers, researching, researched, data
Definition definition, terminology, define, dictionary, encyclopedia, glossary
Economy economy, economics, industry, employment, GNP, jobs, unemployment
News news, "news article", headlines, newspaper, "news bulletins"
Person biography, autobiography, legacy, biographies, memoir, profile, bio
Images images, picture, pictures, pics, pix, photos, photographs, clipart
Government government, politics, federal, political, legislature, "government services"
Facts facts, statistics, stats, "facts and figures", factoid, trivia
Videos videos, "video clips", "video library", "video search", footage, streaming
Teachers lessons, "lesson plans", "k-12", curriculum, "classroom activities"

We need your feedback.....if you can suggest a better refinement, keyword or phrase....CONTACT US